Thursday, November 12, 2009

Green Mile -- due December 3

After watching The Green Mile, comment on the following statements:

Discuss the positive and negative effects of the way the guards treated people -- inmates and others. Is anyone so "bad" that he/she shouldn't still be treated with dignity and respect? Are we justified in treating people poorly, even if they are "bad"?


m.ledeboer said...

I think that to get respect you have to give it. The guards give eachother and inmates respect except for percy and wild bill. If someone doesn't give respect it's not that you shouldn't treat them well, just kinda ignore them.

m.ledeboer said...
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tate said...

Your right m.ledeboer the guards do give everyone the respect they deserve, even Mr. Jingles. As for the inmates, some of them were really bad and some of them were not so bad. The first guy we saw die in the electric chair was probably one who deserved some respect because we could see through his actions he knew his wrong doings. But wild bill was definitely not worthy of respect he was crazy as hell. Yet the guards realized that some people are just different, and that's the way it is. Which is what Percy didn't understand and is probably why he took everything so personally. Although all of the inmates did wrong things and showed no respect, we shouldn't ignore them and hate on them but use our actions to persuade them to want to do better.

Jeremy Gardner said...

The guards treated each inmate with the respect that they deserved. If the inmate was respectful to the guards and other fellow inmates, they would in return recieve respect. However, if a inmate was out of hand, such as Wild Bill, the guards would have to take care of it in ways which I believe were completely justified. I believe that everyone should be treated with respect no matter how bad they are. It is not until they have passed that certain line of disrespectfulness towards me that I will begin being disrespectful to them. So I don't think that treating people poorly because they are bad is justified unless the person has disrespected you in some way which will justify you treating them poorly. m.ledeboer's first sentence of her post basically sums it up. ("I think that to get respect you have to give it.")

Unknown said...

to me the inmmates were getting what they deserve by execution but i beleive it should go no farther than that. i beleive that they should be treated wiht respect or at least treat them in a way that dosnt seem evil. No one is justified to treat somone poorly it is a choice that we all sometimes choose to make.

Bry-Bry80 said...

Respect means to denote both a positive feeling of esteem for a person or other entity. So therefore to get respect you have to give it and the protagonists in the movie all highly respect each other. No body in the film respects Percy or Wild Bill because they simply don't respect the others and I don't blame them because Percy or Wild Bill don't deserve to be respected because of their actions throughout the film depict the kind of person they are.

Steven said...

What we need to do is respect the prisionors for what they did. They need to be treated like humans not like animals. I believe they should have to pay for what they did but nothing more than their exicution. Nobody is tustified to treat nobody bad. We do it a lot to people that we don't know but it's not always right.

Koehn said...

Question Tate: Did Percy not understand that some people are different or did he understand and just not care? In other words, did he treat people badly because they deserved it or just because he enjoyed treating people like that?

Theresa said...

I think that the guards saw a different person in all of the inmates. They realized that even thought they have done something bad there is still good in them. I agree with Melissa, in order to reciever respect you must give it also. "Treat others the way you want to be treated".

Jordan H said...

I think that even though people make wrong decisions they should still be treated nice. I mean they should be punished for there actions but should not have to go threw all the torture. I agree with Theresa and Melissa, everyone should be treated how you want to be treated and no one should be treated poorly if they never did anything to you.

Unzen B said...

I think everyone treated each other with alot of respect ecept for percy and wild bill. But they didn't really diserve any respect. whats one thing u learned when u were little treat others the way u want to be treated.

Eric said...

I think that the guards did a good job in treating others how they would like to be treated except for percy. The guards couldnt show to much compassion to the inmates because then they would seem weak and the inmate would think what they did isnt as bad. Percy crossed the line and paid for his actions.

Bry-Bry80 said...

I think Percy was just overall mean to people because he enjoyed it and I agree with Eric the inmates are not supposed to act weak.

CPP said...

I think people should be treated on how they treat others it goes along with Karma because what goes around comes around I agree with Eric and Bry-Bry80 because inmates are not supposed to a show a weakness because it makes them look bad from the perspective of the prisoners. I think Percy also degrades the prisoners and other staff because he enjoys making other peoples lives miserable and he got what he deserves again with the karma thing he treated the prisoners poorly and than he himself was put in it a mental institute and I agree with Theresa because we learned back in the day that you are supposed to "Treat others the way you wish to be treated"

sheldon said...

I think that if someone is on death row, for whatever reason, they should be treated just like the other inmates that are not on death row. Just because someone is on death row does not mean they are any worse than a normal inmate. All inmates made bad decisions somewhere down the road, just some were worse than others. The guards chose to treat the inmates with respect because they deal with people everyday and know if they had the potential to be "nice" or "good" before they committed the crime that put them on death row.

Trevor said...

yeah everyone screws up at one point, no matter how bad it is the person is only human and should get respected. The guards should treat the prisoners with respect because if they dont respect them the prisoners will act up and not listen and be jerks. But even the worst prisoner if you give him respect he will no doubt respect you and will listen to what you have to say. All of the guards in this movie were pretty nice with exception of percy he was just a jerk and does not deserve a job like this, He got joy when he harassed these people. I agree with CPP karma is real you dish it out it will catch up with you and I was pretty glad that percy got what he deserved.

Zahn_q said...

Who knows how they should be treated, it depends on what they did, when they did it, how they did it, and why they did it. If it was some crazy dude like Steven and killed 22 people i dont think there should be any respect shown towards them. If it was some dude that killed a guy for sleeping with his wife yeah hes not messed up in the head. In the USA today the poll showed americans thought that the death penalty was not used enough and should be brought out more. Im not saying beat the crap out of them while they are in jail but if you can make a friend and make them come to you for guidence or someone to talk to do it. The more friends that you have the ferther you will go / get out of live. So my opinion is up in the air still about this one i could go both ways on it.

Garrett said...

I think the gaurds did treat the inmates with respect, all except for percy who didn't really care about them. He kinda just saw it as an easy way to torcher them to make himself feel better. I also think that Wild Bill was out of control and that they delt with him the best way that they could. They all (exception of wild bill and Percy) were very respectfull and nice towards each other...I feel that in a way they all helped eachother.

durfee said...

The guards tried to treat the inmates as good as they could because they realized that these inmates were people who just made a mistake and will pay for it the ultimate way possible and they don't deserve anything more then that. Percy didn't really get that. Even when Wild Bill was on the mile they treated him with respect when he treated the guards with respect.

Nate said...

The guards treated everyone with respect. Even Percy was given some respect, they treated him like everyone else until he started getting out of hand. Then the guards treated Percy and Wild Bill the way they treated them. I think everyone deserves respect, but a certain amount should be given to that person depending on how they treat others. We shouldn't get to decide who gets treated poorly and who gets respected. These things just come naturally to who we treat poorly and respect. In some ways we do decide who gets respected, but everyone feels different forwards the same people. One may look up to that person and someone else dislike that person, because maybe that person treats them bad. We all treat eachother differently.